Friday 24 July 2009

Historic Facts

Yerterday we went to Norwich and we visitied some historical places.

1.- The Castle: .It was built by Normans in 1067. It has changed a lot in recent years. According to a woman it used to be the main bus station and taxi rank of Norwich. However nowadays it holds impressive exhibitions of fine art, archeology and natural history. This includes the largest collection of paintings by the unique Norwich School of Artist. The buses 25 and 35 stop in front of it

2.- Elm Hill street. It is the most famous street of Norwich because it is the oldest street. The road is made of stones, the roofs are thatched with a material that it was used for the first time. There are shops where the collectors can exchange things.

3.- Bridewell Museum: it is near St Andrew's street. Now it is closed for improvements. But it was built as a private house for rich merchants. But by the end of the 16th century it had become a prision. Now it has collections and displays.

4.- Guildhall: It is made of flint. It is a coffee bar nowadays, but it was built to house the different areas of goverment. By 1974 the sheriff's office was there and the Tourist Information Office was there from 1986 till 2001.

If you like History you can go and visit them.


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